Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Exercise Goals for Breast Cancer

In general, primary exercise goals for breast cancer rehabilitation include maintaining one's range of motion or flexibility in the shoulder area, maintaining or regaining one's strength and weight management.

1. Flexibility
A primary goal is to maintain or increase the range of motion around the shoulder joint. Tumor removal, axillary dissection and radiation often result in skin tightness, scarring and the all of which can affect range of motion in the shoulder area. Surgery such as a mastectomy and radiation can also result in frozen shoulder which is a tightening of the capsule around the shoulder due to shortening of the tendons and ligaments. This, in turn, can limit movement for extended periods which often compounds the problem.

2. Strength
A related goal is the maintenance of strength of strength around the shoulder joint and the arm. Unless, it is a radical mastectomy, loss of strength is generally due to lack of use resulting in the weakening of shoulder muscles and the shortening of connective tissue. Many women will, unfortunately, limit the use of the affected arm due to a fear of lymphedema (to be discussed in a later posting). The foregoing reduces the ability to perform many daily activities again resulting in decreased strength.

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