Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Aerobic Component

The aerobic component is a vital element of one's rehabilitation. In general, you should try to include a 20 to 30 minute aerobic activity into your daily activities. If to0 difficult, break a walk, for example, into two 10 minute phases, one in the morning and one at night. In addition to a stand alone aerobic component, an aerobic activity serves as a warmup to a more complete exercise session including strength and flexibility. In this context, the aerobic phase serves three functions: as a warmup, cardiorespiratory fitness and weight management. (Note that for some, losing weight may not be advisable but rather maintenance of, or gain weight may be advised.) The type of exercise chosen depends on your fitness level and the one you like to do. One of my favorite sayings is. "The best exercise is the one you'll do." Implicit in that is doing it consistently. Therefore, if you like to walk, that is the best one, if you like to swim, that is the one. Others include biking and a variety of aerobic machines such as rowing machine or an elliptical trainer. An advantage of using whole body machines such as an elliptical trainer or rowing machine is that in addition to elevating your heart rate, you are also warming up many major muscle groups in both the upper and lower body.

1 comment:

Unknown said...


Nice Post shared here with lots of good information. thanks for sharing this post and keep posting here in future too. it would be nice if you can share some information related to rehab equipment here in your future posts..
